This past week was really tiering for me. Not that there was a lot going on at work... but with someone staying at my place for much longer than I origionally thought I didn't get a lot of rest, or time to just relax by myself (which is something that I need in order to stay sane).
That is all I am going to say on that.
Highlights of this weekend:
I saw a comedy show. It was fun. A bit too long for my taste, but what you gonna do.
Did some shooting for Half Day Today on Sat, and then cleaned my brothers apartment as payment for his old iphone. Fair trade... but damn. His place was GROSS. At one point I was using this oven cleaner... and some of it got on my arm and now I have a fancy chemical burn. Awesome.
That night I saw "The Room", which is this HORRIBLE movie that has become a cult hit and has really fun audience participation. Also the director/main actor was there and did a Q&A about the film. SO funny. I you ever get a chance to see a screenig of this DO IT (and bring loys of plastic spoons).
Sunday I had some MUCH needed chill time. Then went to go see Tim and Eric live. It was a great show. I was happy.
umm that's about it. I'd say it was a fun last weekend.
Now it's my last week at work, hopefully when my boss comes back I will have more to do.
I'm sad to be leaving soon, but also kinda ready. I just want to finish my last year of school, have a great time, and then start the next phase of my life. I know what I need to do, and I want to get started.
... also I miss my birds and I can't wait to see them.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Ugly Truth, Disneyland, No sleep and more!
This weekend was CRAZY!
Thursday I got tickets to the premiere of The Ugly Truth. So I invited Veronica to go with me. We left work around 4 to get to the premiere at 7:00. We stopped off at her place and mine to get ready... then proceeded to spend the next 2 hours in traffic! The invite said to be there at 7, for a start time of 7:30. But we didn't get to the Archlight until 7:30 becuase of traffic... so we were convinced that we wouldn't get in.
Luckily we did. We were not seated in the main dome where the actors and people who worked on the film were (they had a few over flow seats for fans in the main theater, but we arrived to late to get them). We were seated in the overflow theater, which was still a HUGE screen! Also got free popcorn and drink. I am by no means complaining.
The movie was really really cute. Just like evry other chick flick ever (27 Dresses, How to Loose a Guy in 10 Day, etc). But I still liked it because as hard core as I sometimes try to act (which is really not that hard core at all... but still), I am really a stupid romantic at heart.
After we decided it mgiht be fun to try and see if we could see the actors leaving the premiere. On our way to do so passed Kate Walsh! We didn;t stop her for a picture becuase she looked like she was in a big rush to get out of there.
I managed to squeeze my way to the front of the line at the red carpet. Katherine Heigle came out and was signing a bunch of stuff, but was being hurried off by the time she got to me. But I did tell her that I thougth she did a fantastic job in teh film (I actually do think she did really well). She stopped, turned to me and grabbed my hand and said "Oh! Thank you SO much!".
I was all kinds of star struck and happy! (I don't care if I am a fan girl... don;t judge me!)
Some fo the other actors came out on teh carpet as well. I saw Cheryl Hines, but she only stopped for a few autographs (Eric Winter didn;t stop for a single one!). Yvette Nicole Brown was really REALLY cool though. She signed a TON of stuff and was taking pictures with everyone (I got one). She was really really nice.
Gerard Butler also came out, singed a bunch of stuff and was taking pictures. He signed my ticket (whcih I am getting framed by the way... I don't even care how much of a dork that makes me) AND HE TOOK A PICTURE WITH ME! :)
This MADE my life! He was SOSOSO nice. I told him that I love him... cause I am a dorky fan girl and he turned back to me and said "oh I bet you say that to all the guys". I said "Yeah, you know I do. I love breaking hearts" And he laughed.
Wow. I am a nerd. But I don't care.
ANYHOO after the premiere went back to my apartment, only to find that I had forgotten my keys inside. Fuck.
So I called my brother and spent a sleepless night there.
The next day my friend Kayla came by. We walked along Wilshire and looked at some of the shops. There is this one re-sale designer store we stopped in. TOTAL rip off. Selling used clothes for over $300? yeah. no.
We also went to a pet store where I found a baby African Grey Parrot who I fell in love it and it loved me and now I want it. I need to find a way to raise $1300 for the "Sammi needs a bird" fund.
That ngiht I decided to go to this Jewish thing with Kayla and some people she knew. I say "Jewish thing" because I don't even want to ATTEMPT to spell the real name.
In any case I actually had a really good time. Good food, good people, good conversation.
Then went back to my apartment (got a ride back from this really hot, but really obnoxious russian guy Kayla know). Got back way late and had to wake up at 6:00am the next morning (night 2 with very little sleep).
The next day I went to Disneyland with Angela!!!
LOVE Disney! I am 12. Went on all the major rides at Disney and California Adventure. AND took pictures with my 3 favorite princesses and Mickey. SUCH a good day. I can't wait to go back.
I am only half kidding when I say that I want to be a disney princess. I might actually look into doing it for a summer... maybe. Every girl wants to be a disney princess... and I have never given up that dream!
I was SO tired by the end on the day, but for some reason I didn't sleep very well. My feet hurt a lkot and I think that that is what kept me awake (and some random late night phone calls).
(Night 3 with little sleep)
Sunday I did some filming for Half Day Today, which went really well.
The thign I filmed isn't complete yet, but check out the Half Day Today site. There's some really good stuff on there:
Kayla spent the night... and our sleeping habits did NOT mesh well.
Night 4 with VERY little sleep.
Other than all that not much is going on. Work has picked up a bit (I actually ahve stuff to do... which I should probably get on instead of writing here). Tom Green was in the office yesterday, I did not get to meet him. sad.
But last night and the giht before I slept! So I am a much happier person.
I can't beleive I only have a week and a half left in LA.
Where did summer go?
Thursday I got tickets to the premiere of The Ugly Truth. So I invited Veronica to go with me. We left work around 4 to get to the premiere at 7:00. We stopped off at her place and mine to get ready... then proceeded to spend the next 2 hours in traffic! The invite said to be there at 7, for a start time of 7:30. But we didn't get to the Archlight until 7:30 becuase of traffic... so we were convinced that we wouldn't get in.
Luckily we did. We were not seated in the main dome where the actors and people who worked on the film were (they had a few over flow seats for fans in the main theater, but we arrived to late to get them). We were seated in the overflow theater, which was still a HUGE screen! Also got free popcorn and drink. I am by no means complaining.
The movie was really really cute. Just like evry other chick flick ever (27 Dresses, How to Loose a Guy in 10 Day, etc). But I still liked it because as hard core as I sometimes try to act (which is really not that hard core at all... but still), I am really a stupid romantic at heart.
After we decided it mgiht be fun to try and see if we could see the actors leaving the premiere. On our way to do so passed Kate Walsh! We didn;t stop her for a picture becuase she looked like she was in a big rush to get out of there.
I managed to squeeze my way to the front of the line at the red carpet. Katherine Heigle came out and was signing a bunch of stuff, but was being hurried off by the time she got to me. But I did tell her that I thougth she did a fantastic job in teh film (I actually do think she did really well). She stopped, turned to me and grabbed my hand and said "Oh! Thank you SO much!".
I was all kinds of star struck and happy! (I don't care if I am a fan girl... don;t judge me!)
Some fo the other actors came out on teh carpet as well. I saw Cheryl Hines, but she only stopped for a few autographs (Eric Winter didn;t stop for a single one!). Yvette Nicole Brown was really REALLY cool though. She signed a TON of stuff and was taking pictures with everyone (I got one). She was really really nice.
Gerard Butler also came out, singed a bunch of stuff and was taking pictures. He signed my ticket (whcih I am getting framed by the way... I don't even care how much of a dork that makes me) AND HE TOOK A PICTURE WITH ME! :)
This MADE my life! He was SOSOSO nice. I told him that I love him... cause I am a dorky fan girl and he turned back to me and said "oh I bet you say that to all the guys". I said "Yeah, you know I do. I love breaking hearts" And he laughed.
Wow. I am a nerd. But I don't care.
ANYHOO after the premiere went back to my apartment, only to find that I had forgotten my keys inside. Fuck.
So I called my brother and spent a sleepless night there.
The next day my friend Kayla came by. We walked along Wilshire and looked at some of the shops. There is this one re-sale designer store we stopped in. TOTAL rip off. Selling used clothes for over $300? yeah. no.
We also went to a pet store where I found a baby African Grey Parrot who I fell in love it and it loved me and now I want it. I need to find a way to raise $1300 for the "Sammi needs a bird" fund.
That ngiht I decided to go to this Jewish thing with Kayla and some people she knew. I say "Jewish thing" because I don't even want to ATTEMPT to spell the real name.
In any case I actually had a really good time. Good food, good people, good conversation.
Then went back to my apartment (got a ride back from this really hot, but really obnoxious russian guy Kayla know). Got back way late and had to wake up at 6:00am the next morning (night 2 with very little sleep).
The next day I went to Disneyland with Angela!!!
LOVE Disney! I am 12. Went on all the major rides at Disney and California Adventure. AND took pictures with my 3 favorite princesses and Mickey. SUCH a good day. I can't wait to go back.
I am only half kidding when I say that I want to be a disney princess. I might actually look into doing it for a summer... maybe. Every girl wants to be a disney princess... and I have never given up that dream!
I was SO tired by the end on the day, but for some reason I didn't sleep very well. My feet hurt a lkot and I think that that is what kept me awake (and some random late night phone calls).
(Night 3 with little sleep)
Sunday I did some filming for Half Day Today, which went really well.
The thign I filmed isn't complete yet, but check out the Half Day Today site. There's some really good stuff on there:
Kayla spent the night... and our sleeping habits did NOT mesh well.
Night 4 with VERY little sleep.
Other than all that not much is going on. Work has picked up a bit (I actually ahve stuff to do... which I should probably get on instead of writing here). Tom Green was in the office yesterday, I did not get to meet him. sad.
But last night and the giht before I slept! So I am a much happier person.
I can't beleive I only have a week and a half left in LA.
Where did summer go?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

By the way the tasting of their stuff yesterday was AMAZING. I was a fat kid and tried everything... and then took seconds on my favorites cause there were left overs and I was put in charge of cleaning it up. NOTE: Do not put me in charge of left over free chocolate. My inner fat kid cannot resist such temptations.
I would strongly recommend them for all your future desert needs. They had a cool Ace of Cakes style MTV cake! SO cool and yummy! I wish I could bake... but if it doesn't come out of a box with step by step directions, I am lost.
Oh! And the woman who owns the business's name is Pedal. How cute is that?
Also sunburn status: Small areas have turned to tan, but for the most part I am still in an incredible amount of pain. ouch.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Rodeo, Sprinkles and more
This past week at work I did nothing. No. Seriously. I watched the MJ Memoiral. I also designed this flyer for a bakery showcase that is today... which is cool. Putting my graphic arts skills from high school to use.
But other than that didn't do a damn thing. I was BORED OUT OF MY MIND! (and this week doesn't look like it will be busier).
This weekend was fun though. Friday veronica and I went to Rodeo Drive and checked out the stores there. She bought some stuff... but I am broke and couldn't get a damn thing. I did stare into the Chanel store and cry though. Why am I not a spoiled little rich girl that can just throw away daddy's money!?!
One day... one day I WILL own Chanel. And it will be great.
We did stop at Sprinkles Cupcakes... which was AMAZING. Best cupcake EVER. I got a t-shirt from there. Because it's cool. Don't judge me.
We also decided to stalk the playboy mansion, cause we were over by there. We found it... but from the street you can only see the VERY tip of the roof. I was sad. We also drove around the UCLA campus and looked at the sorority houses. Too bad they don;t have an AXD there, cause otherwise we could have seen inside the hosue. Would have been WAY cool.
Sat. was just kinda chill. I saw Bruno... thought it was pretty good. But there was just something off about it. I donno. Not as good as Borat.
Sunday I went to Will Rogers beach. It was SUCH a nice day! There waves were HUGE too. I really love playing in the waves. It's so simple... and so fun. I love it.
But what I don't love is forgetting to re-aply sun screen and coming home to discover that I have turned into lobster woman. So that is where I am right now. All kinds of exhusted from the sun and in pain. Oh... and bright red. It's awesome. Let me tell you.
I need Aloe.
And a nap.
I am currently debating if I can get away with napping in my cubicle.
...I think the answer is yes.
But other than that didn't do a damn thing. I was BORED OUT OF MY MIND! (and this week doesn't look like it will be busier).
This weekend was fun though. Friday veronica and I went to Rodeo Drive and checked out the stores there. She bought some stuff... but I am broke and couldn't get a damn thing. I did stare into the Chanel store and cry though. Why am I not a spoiled little rich girl that can just throw away daddy's money!?!
One day... one day I WILL own Chanel. And it will be great.
We did stop at Sprinkles Cupcakes... which was AMAZING. Best cupcake EVER. I got a t-shirt from there. Because it's cool. Don't judge me.
We also decided to stalk the playboy mansion, cause we were over by there. We found it... but from the street you can only see the VERY tip of the roof. I was sad. We also drove around the UCLA campus and looked at the sorority houses. Too bad they don;t have an AXD there, cause otherwise we could have seen inside the hosue. Would have been WAY cool.
Sat. was just kinda chill. I saw Bruno... thought it was pretty good. But there was just something off about it. I donno. Not as good as Borat.
Sunday I went to Will Rogers beach. It was SUCH a nice day! There waves were HUGE too. I really love playing in the waves. It's so simple... and so fun. I love it.
But what I don't love is forgetting to re-aply sun screen and coming home to discover that I have turned into lobster woman. So that is where I am right now. All kinds of exhusted from the sun and in pain. Oh... and bright red. It's awesome. Let me tell you.
I need Aloe.
And a nap.
I am currently debating if I can get away with napping in my cubicle.
...I think the answer is yes.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Damn... what a great Thursday!/ I got "discovered"!
I got the day off on Thursday.
During the day I worked out at a gym, it felt AMAZING. I always feel a lot happier after working out... I went back today (Friday) and I think I will get a membership at the gym when my free trail is up.
Then around 4ish went out with Veronica to meet Jill (one of the other interns) at her place in Hollywood for dinner. We got thai. It was good. Then we decided to be tourists and went to Hollywood and Highland, which is where the Kodak theater and the handprints and stuff are.
It is ALSO where Michael Jackson's star happens to be. The crowd around it hasn't so bad (there was still a crowd) we we kinda leaned over and too a quick look. There is a shine around his star. There were also a BUNCH of people trying to sell MJ t-shirts, and some really really bad MJ impersonators around. Tacky Tacky (then again it is Hollywood and Highland... I donno what I expected).
We tried to see the Hollywood sign from Jill's roof... but for some reason it wasn't lit up.
On our way home Veronica and I decided to stop by MJ's house in Homely Hills (it was RIGHT on our way home). We stopped there and looked at the shrine. A lady gave us both a tea light, so we lit a candle for Michael.
Yeah. The guy was creepy. I don't know if he ever touch a child or not... but a lot of his other behavior was really really weird. BUT the guy inspired SO much, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't like a lot of his music. I think the guy deserves respect, and it was amazing looking at the shrines around his house (there was one main one, and a few small ones around). There was nothing but love for the guy there. People were telling stores about him too. One woman (the one who gave us the candle) cooked for him once.
So I'm glad we stopped by to see that and pay our respects (cause there is NO WAY IN HELL I am even going to attempt to go to the Staples Center).
After I got dropped off at home, I headed out to the Hideout (a small karaoke bar off the PCH). I'e gone there a few times before, and it is usually really chill. But last night it was CRAZY because the reality show "Bad Girls Club" was filming there.
UHHGGGGG I HATE HATE HATE that show! SO completely trashy. It's just girls acting like sluts, and that is exactly what they were doing in the bar! Also we had to wait forever to do karaoke cause any time one of the girls wanted to sing (which was a lot) they would get to go right away. One of the girls sounded ok... the others... it just hurt to listen to. Also if a guy they thought was cute was signing, they would jump up and join him and grind on him. SO tacky.
I was trying to hide, cause I DO NOT want to even appear in the background on that show. THIS is how much I despise it!
Also it was SO obvious these girls were doing their best to act. When the cameras were on them they would do something "bad". As in grab a guy and grind on him/ make out with him. And as soon as the camera was off them, they would act normal. But if the camera was off any of them for too long, they would draw attention to themselves and then start at it again.
I have no idea WHY they chose to go to the Hideout. It is NOT that kinda bar... but whatever. It'll look that way on TV I guess.
ALSO I got "discovered" last night! lol
I was my turn to do karaoke (the dj actually skipped over a bunch of people to get me up... probably cause I'm a girl). I sang "Come on Eileen", and apparently rocked it out. Some friends I was with jumped up around me and did the dance... and then (of course) the "bad girls" jumped up to and danced... whatever. (They weren't recording at this point, thank God).
ANYHOO after I was done this guy comes up to me and said he thought I did really great and had a great voice. He THEN said he was from Paradigm Agency and that he knew some people who he thought would love to meet me.
(I have actually filed some stuff from them at VH1, they are not the biggest agency around, but they are a legit one).
So there you have it. I have been discovered! Apparently all you gotta do is rock out to "Come on Eileen", who knew?
Now it is time to abandon all my friends and buy a giant house and fancy fancy car! Fuck you Honda Civic! I'm getting a Corvette! (I hope anyone that read that can pick up on the sarcasm. If not... you fail).
No really... I did email him today, we'll see if I get a response or if anything happens from it. I am not getting my hopes up or anything. We'll just see. If I get a meeting, awesome. If something comes out of it, even more awesome. If not? Then I just have a fun story to tell (and know that if I ever do karaoke again, "Come on Eileen" is a song that I will not look like an idiot doing).
SO that was my amazing Thursday!
Tonight I am seeing Equus with Jeff (one of my roommates). I haven't seen it before... but I understand there is horse fucking involved. Should be a memorable evening!
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