Friday, May 30, 2008

Telemete Games

I had my first shoot today. The whoring myself out as blurs in the background of movies and TV has officially begun.

Today I was shooting for Telemete Games. The location was in the mountains outside of Malibu by "the rock store" which is some sketchy little biker place. The production team never exactly told us what Telemete Games were... just that it something for French tv, either a commercial or tv show. So if you watch French TV... look for me?

They told us to dress European, because all Europeans dress alike. But they said Earth tones, layers, hoodies, etc. We get on the set and WAIT no brown and the shoot is suppose to take place in the summer time! (which actually makes sense because we were suppose to be Tour de France on lookers)

What I did today was wait 4 hours, then hold an English flag and wave it as some bikers passed. Then I waited some more. Then I waved the flag again. Then after a few more times of this we went to lunch.

After lunch we watched a biker ride his bike into a wall and look all concerned after.

Then we went down the hill again and watched bikers ride up and we cheered.

Long day (7:30a call time to 7:00pm), I got burnt, but got about $100 out of it.

Not bad.

Also met some cool people and got some advise on what to do out here.

I am super tired though.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

1st shoot

I have a job in Malibu tomorrow.

More to come later.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Central Casting

Drove Kristin to work today on my way to Central Casting. I would just like to say that Culver city has NO gas stations. None. I could not find ANY. I had to drive super out of my way to find one (gas here by the way was $4.10 for regular, but there were a lot of place that were higher).

Got to Central Casting fine, parallel parked fine (I was super proud of myself cause I usually suck at this) and registered with them.

There is really no story there. Walked in, they told the group of us how to fill out our paper work, then we waited in line, turned in said paper work, got a photo taken, then left.

The only kinda cool thing was there was a casting director who needed some people for an Entourage shoot that day, so he pulled 2 girls from the line. I was not pulled as I was not dressed like I was going out clubbing or anything (aka I was not dressed like a whore).

So now in about an hour I call in and see if there are any jobs for me yet. If not I will call in later tonight.

Other then that not too much is up. I gotta go get Al's oil changed, then I need to get this Thomas Bros map book cause I guess they give direction based on that.

Also I would like to make brownies because they are all kinds of delicious. 

update: So the people who lived in this apartment before left a Thomas guide. That is pretty fucking sweet if you ask me.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I feel like bragging

While in Santa Monica today I went into an American Eagle and found a pair of jeans on sale, but they only had them in a size 14 or a size 2. I tried the 2 on and they fit really well.

World: You should probably hate me.

Also while there I saw someone who kinda maybe sorta looked like Orlando Bloom... but I couldn't tell cause the guy had huge sunglasses on. Probably wasn't him. If it was there would have been a crowed of screaming fan girls. Or there would be the group of fan girls who tried to act cool, and just kinda quietly stalked him. I saw neither of these groups. Also he was with some homely looking chick.

Also I had this entire plan that by the end of the summer I was gonna be able to run from the apartment to the beach.... yeah. After driving down there today, I don't think that is gonna happen. 3 miles is a lot longer then you think it is.

If I get a bike... MAYBE I will try biking down there. But I am pretty lazy so it is kinda doubtful.

Long ass Day

2 nights ago I was hanging out with Lee and we decided to go to Santa Monica Pier. I realized I know nothing about this city, cause I didn't even know about the pier... or about anything else kinda fun to do in LA.

Anyway, as we were looking for parking for the pier (which we never found btw) Lee's engine light turned on, so we decided just to go back to his place and watch Grandma's Boy, which is a fucking amazing movie by the way. We also found this one show where they spray painted a poodle blue.

 After the movie (and the blue poodle show... which was still on when the movie ended) we went to Lee's car so he could drive me home, but the car wouldn't start so I ended up staying the night.

The next morning we tried jumping the car... but the world decided that it hated us and that didn't work so we got the car towed to this place that Lee said was about 3 blocks from my place.

Lee is a liar. 

It was more like 30 blocks.

We finally got to my place and played the Wii for a while (I kicked his ass in wii hockey by the way cause I am just that cool). Lee's car got fixed (cost him $500, so I felt super bad for him) and he took a cab to get him car.

I am driving from now on whenever we go places. It had been decided (even though I am a spazz when it come to driving... and other things)

After he left... I crashed for a while and then watched the new Wes Anderson movie. Not quite as good as Zissou, but still it was a really really great movie.

Today I'm going to Santa Monica to shop cause I finally have a car.

Central Casting will happen wed.

Good Times.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Studio City

The last few days I really haven't done anything except get food and run down Santa Monica (my goal for the end of the summer is to be able to run to the beach... not sure if that is going to happen as I am out of shape, but I can try).

Last night though we went to Studio City (the shopping center right outside of Universal Studios) to see Indiana Jones. 

Stop reading if you haven't seen Indiana Jones and want to:

The movie was ridiculous. It was good at some parts and had the adventure that you expect in an Indiana Jones movie. But really, who thought it would be a good idea to have Indiana Jones deal with aliens? I was totally willing to go along with the film, until the alien part. Indiana surviving a nuclear bomb? Ok.  Shia LaBeouf is Indiana's long lost son? Fine. Crazy huge ants that eat people? Kinda cool.

But alien? No. 

There were other problems with the movie too. The use and CGI animals was just stupid. For example when Shia LaBeouf was swinging through the trees with the monkeys. That didn't need to happen. And I have no idea what was with the prairie dogs in the begining. Oh George Lucas, why do you love  bad CGI?

It was a fun movie I guess, but no where near worth the $13 I paid for tickets. 

Anyhoo nothing else is really going on.

I haven't been to central casting yet, but I'm going there Wed so it's all good. After this week more interesting things will happen cause I won't just be stuck in the apartment.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 20th:
-We drove to Vegas and spent the night on the strip at the Monte Carlo. I liked Vegas. Looking around at everything was cool. Not being 21 sucks yet again cause I couldn't really do anything. Also we didn't see any shows, so other then walking through casinos there was nothing to do. Vegas was pretty dead that night anyways.
I did love the people on the streets handing out the flyers for hookers. That was super classy.

May 21:
-Got to LA. The apartment is super nice and it is furnished. I am sleeping on an air mattress in the living room... could be worse. 
Didn't do much yesterday except unpack and go buy food. 
I have no idea what we are going to do today... but tomorrow I think I am going to go over to Central Casting and sign up with them. Otherwise I have to wait for next Wed. I kinda just want to get everything started and not just sit here doing nothing.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Oregon Trail

Today we drove just over 1000 miles from Chicago to Denver. It took us about 15 hours to get here. 

I really don't have much to say about the drive. It wasn't the worst thing in the world. Although Nebraska sucks... hardcore. It just goes on and on.

The only thing that is in Nebraska besides massive amounts of cows, is Pioneer Village. There were signs for it 200 miles away from where it was.

We did not stop to see it because we are not that cool.

Driving out west reminds me of Oregon trail... this went along with the Pioneer Village thing. Although I have to say that Pioneer Village in Nebraska would suck because they weren't real Pioneers. They were wimps who gave up half way to Oregon or California or wherever they were going.

No one likes Nebraska. 

Anyhoo, I always died in Oregon trail. I would make a family and make myself the daughter... and my character would always die of dysentery or get bit by a rattle snake. 

I'm kinda hoping this doesn't happen on my mighty trip west.

I have already survived the mighty Mississippi, so things are looking good.

More good news is that we are currently in Denver by mountains, and tomorrow we will be driving through said mountains and going to Vegas. 

Should be good time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Night before

Tomorrow morning (5:00am) I will be leaving for LA for about 2 and a half months. 

Tomorrow my brother and I are driving to Denver. That is about 14 hours away. Tomorrow is going to suck. The next day we drive to Los Vegas, then the smog filled city. 

I'm blogging to keep record of everything I do in LA. A lot of people have asked me to keep them posted and this is how I is gonna do it yo. Yeah, that's right, I be talkn' gangsta (or lolcat... take your pick).

I have nothing more to write about as I am still in Chicago. Hopefully something cool will happen tomorrow, otherwise it is just going to be one long ass drive.