Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 20th:
-We drove to Vegas and spent the night on the strip at the Monte Carlo. I liked Vegas. Looking around at everything was cool. Not being 21 sucks yet again cause I couldn't really do anything. Also we didn't see any shows, so other then walking through casinos there was nothing to do. Vegas was pretty dead that night anyways.
I did love the people on the streets handing out the flyers for hookers. That was super classy.

May 21:
-Got to LA. The apartment is super nice and it is furnished. I am sleeping on an air mattress in the living room... could be worse. 
Didn't do much yesterday except unpack and go buy food. 
I have no idea what we are going to do today... but tomorrow I think I am going to go over to Central Casting and sign up with them. Otherwise I have to wait for next Wed. I kinda just want to get everything started and not just sit here doing nothing.

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