Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Big Love

Worked Big Love today.

Super easy day. Showed up at 7:00am and was done by 9:30am. 

I was a receptionist and had Journey stuck in my head... so while pretending to talk on the phone I mouthed the words to "Don't stop believing".


I am that cool.

There was also an earthquake today! I was in my apartment, and then all of a sudden everything was vibrating.

I thought it was cool.

Tomorrow I am working on a Movie called Stay Cool... it's with Hillary Duff. 
Good times, good times.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


This was a night call.

Took place in a parking lot. My car was used as background for this scene, although it was just parked and not being driven.

The only really interesting thing that happened on set was one scene where this girl decides to wreck this car. She stomps on it with heels and then hits it with her bag. It was kinda fun to watch.

Although the my story about this set has nothing to do with the filming. 

I arrived on set and parked in this parking lot, then walked over to where we sign in. There was an AD there who told me that since I was booked with a car I had to go park it on the other side of this parking structure.  So I went and did that... although when I got to the other side of the structure no one was there. So I went into the structure to turn around and go back where I came. As I was pulling out and making a left a car changed lanes into my lane and grazed the side of the car and then sped off. 


Another hit and run.

The right front bumper is now scratched. 

I returned to where holding was with my car, walked behind this one trailer and then proceeded to have a massive breakdown. Then I called my parents and broke down yet again. 

I finally collected myself, went over to the AD and said I couldn't find where he wanted me to go, and then told him what had happened with the car. He told me had had been giving the wrong info and that my was suppose to go where I had it in the first place.

Wanna guess what I did after he told me that?

I got into my car... and broke down. Again.

Then all night people kept asking me what had happened (I guess it spread around set and whatnot) so all night I had to keep retelling the story and thinking about it.

Needless to say it was a very very very long and stressful night.

Also (icing on the cake) I was booked Monday for Transformers which I was PUMPED about. But then (after I got hit) I get a call from central that the shoot was canceled, and there was nothing else on the lines that night. So I have no work for Monday. 

Again stressful stressful awful night for me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mission Accomplished


I worked Greek Monday and Tuesday as an engineering student at a KT party. I had to wear this HORRIBLE pink sweater cause we were all suppose to be nerds... it was terrible, but I dealt with it.

I had an amazing time. The crew was really really nice. Also I made friends with this one extra who was also friends with Aaron Hill (Beaver on the show) so I got to talk to Aaron for a while which was really cool. He is such a sweet guy. 

The first day I also kinda met Scott Michael Foster (Cappie). He turned to me and asked me something about who knocked some lights down and I said "that guy". That's right. I am SO cool.

Also at one point they thought he smiled at me... and I geeked out. (I have a huge crush on Cappie.... could ya tell? He is SO cute i person... I can't help being a little fan girl.) 

I also kinda sorta met Clark, who plays Dale and Jacob (Rusty). Clark asked me if I had a cigarette... and I said no, no I didn't. And I as I was walking by Jacob and I smiled at eachother... good times.

The guy who plays Ben Benette was also there and it took everything in my power not to say "Ben Benette" in a disapproving manner (Meggie and I do this all the time cause Ben Benette thinks he is all cool, but he is not. I mean I'm sure the actor is... but the character? Nope.)

The first day The Plain White T's were there performing on the show. They played "She's a natural disaster" and part of "It's our time now". 

...for parts of each song I was placed as front row center. The band was less then one foot in front of me. Kinda amazing.

Also I was selected to be a "kissing couple" for day 2 (which meant that I got a $25 pay bump). I had to kiss this guy super awkwardly. We were told that since we were nerds that we didn't know how to kiss so we just pecked a few times. I was also told to keep my arms and legs super straight and kind of spazz as we kissed.... so I did spazz. Hurray for looking like a geek on national TV! (the kissing scene actually took place on day 2).

Day 2 was more partying i the KT house. I was also selected to be one of 5 people that comes back the day after the party takes place to help clean up. I was the only girl and was placed in front for this scene, so I will fo shizzle be seen clearly on camera. Also since this was suppose to be a different day I was NOT in the ugly ugly pin sweater. I was in a normal pink shirt... so I was happy.

Talked a little more to Aaron the second day and he kinda showed me a few secret things on set. He was showing me what was in the closet of the KT house... like random props and pool balls (I was seriously considering stealing one... but couldn't think of a way to take it without anyone noticing). Also the KT yard is COVERED in lawn gnomes, and that made me really really really happy.

I also talked a little more with Scott on day 2. One of the lines when we return to the house and are trying to get the KT's to forgive us is that we made them a DVR that records porn. During rehearsal for the scene Scott added in the line "Even her?" pointing at me. Then told me later when they were doing the turn around of the scene that he was going to add that in there. It made me very happy :)

Also when leaving set for the day I passed him and we said good night to each other. Again... I was happy.

I was suppose to be recalled on the show for Thursday, but the casting director said that since the scene they were shooting took place in another place in the same episode, that they couldn't use me. But I a now "on her list" of people to call for the show. (Great... now that I only have 1 week left here).

Just want to note. I fully realize that this part of the entry I am being a total nerd and geek and fan girl, but Greek is my favorite show and it was my goal for the summer to get on it. So I am allowed to be as geeky and I want. 

Hannah Montana:

Worked this on Wed.

It was a 1000 person call.

No. Seriously.

I asked one of the AD's how many people where there and he said over 1000.

I was part of the crowed for a Hannah Montana concert. Which was a SUPER easy day. I sat in a chair all day and watched Miley sing "best of both worlds".

Actually it was really cute. There were a BUNCH of kids there and they pulled most of them to go up front and watch. In between shots instead of going and sitting with the crew she was talking to as many fans as she could. She also was teaching them a dance.

That was really nice to see and made me respect her a little more.

Terminator: Sara Conner Chronicles:

This was Thursday working at Warner Brothers Studios. 

At first I was a nurse in a hospital scene and then I was parking lot atmosphere. They used my car for the shoot.

Really not much to say about it.

However last night Al tells me that there is a big scratch on the car... which wasn't there before. I don't know what happened. I don't know if someone hit it, or if the AD did something to it.... anyway I am out over $400 because of this scratch. 

...fucking sucks.

Tonight I work 90210.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Perfect Age of Rock and Roll

Worked this guy Thursday night.

Shooting took place at some really creepy monastery which everyone said was haunted. 

This shoot was kinda disorganized. It took nearly 4 hours to get all the extras through wardrobe and hair and makeup. It wasn't that the call was huge... it's that there was 1 girl doing wardrobe and she went through every item everyone brought piece by piece and then checked and double checked them.

I ended up in this snake print red sparkly posh spice dress. It was amazing.
...I took a picture with my phone. I'll see if I can figure out how to upload it.

So after all of that we just sat around for 4 more hours doing nothing. 
(They were shooting other scenes that didn't need extras.)

Finally around 3am we were brought in for shooting. It was a scene around a pool and we watched as some guy... I guess a in a band or something... threw a chair into the pool. Then his friend goes after him and yells at all the guests. 

He improved this... and one time he decided it would be a good idea to take a champaign bottle and throw it where people were sitting..... without any warning. Luckily the bottle didn't break or hit anyone in the head, but we were pretty pissed off he did that. It came REALLY close to hitting a few people and I was close enough that if that bottle had broke, I probably would have gotten cut by glass.

Now I am all for being in the moment and doing what feels right and creativity and whatnot, but not when it endangers people. Also there was a pool in the same general area! He could still have thrown the bottle... but done it in the pool and NOT risked hitting people.

Dumb dumb dumb. 

Next week I have a feeling is going to be a good one. I am working Greek on Monday and Tuesday and then Hannah Montana the Movie (oh boy!) on Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Worked on Heros today.

Nothing really special to talk about... the main cast was not shooting today.

I worked as a "lab tech". I wore a white coat and felt all official and whatnot.

Walk in a lobby a few time... and that was it.

Around 6ish they released a few people but asked all the "lab tech's" to stay... but then they never ended up using us. But I got almost an hour of overtime, so I am not complaining.

Also I heard that there was a possible recall for Monday... but we will see.

Tomorrow I am working on some movie called "The Perfect Age of Rock and Roll". It's a night call which is gonna kinda suck.

Looked it up on IMDB... no one famous is in it.

Oh well. Work is work. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Touristyness and Bollywood

This weekend:

My parents came into town this weekend. So we did super touristy things all weekend. Saturday we drove down Rodeo Drive, ate at In and Out (by the way... the veggie burger there? Not actually a veggie burger. Just a burger with no patty), and when to go see the Grauman's Chinese Theater with the hand prints and whatnot.

It wasn't neatly as big as I thought it would be. Also there were SO many people there. It was packed with tourists! Also there were people dressed up in costumes all around trying to get people to take pictures of them (little bit more of a story on this later on). 

So we looked at all the handprints. I was searching for Audrey Hepburn... but I guess she didn't have her handprints there which made me really sad. BUT we did find Marilyn Monroe's which was cool to see. 

And fun fact, my hands are EXACTLY the same size as hers. Same size palm, same finger length.... exactly exactly the same. So that was cool and also OBVIOUSLY means that I was Marilyn Monroe in a past life or something crazy and stupid like that.

The next day we checked out Venice Beach. I really liked it. I loved all the shops and whatnot... bought some pretty earrings.

But I am just going to throw it out there... looking at bongs with your parents?
... a little awkward. 

Damn Love:

Worked this Monday at LAX. And guess what... IT WAS A BOLLYWOOD MOVIE!!! 

Hilarious... just.... hilarious.

There was one scene where the actors were walking out of the airport... and all of a sudden they just break into dance for a few seconds. Then just go on like nothing happened. 

Love it.

The craft was great, we had Indian food for lunch and there was AMAZING chai tea :)

But Monday was not all dancing, tea, and rainbows. 
Oh no.
It was LAX so something shitty HAD to happen.

At the top of the day there was a sign that said "EXTRAS!" on it. So I pulled over and asked one of the crew guys where I should park and he said (and I quote) "You see that parking structure over there? Parking structure number 4, park there".

So like the good little lemming doing what I was told, I parked in parking structure number 4. Fine. Done. Whatever.

At the end of the day I go to leave and the cashier tries charging me $30. I told him I was with "Bollywood Hollywood" (the production company) and that I was not suppose to be charged. I even showed him my work voucher to prove I was with them. 

But that didn't do any good. So I had to go park my car again, and run over to find someone on the crew who could help me. There was another women (the most obnoxious women ever by the way) who was in my same situation. We found one of the crew to help us. 

Then he proceeded to argue with the manager of the cashiers department, trying to tell them that the production would pay for it later and just to bill them, but some how that didn't work and the parking place couldn't do that. So I got stuck with this "PTP" which is basically a bill that I have to go and try to get voided.

So I called in today to try and do that, and the woman told me that I have to write a letter to LAX and it can't be done over the phone....


SO frustrating.

Hate it.

Hate LAX.

Again... Arg.

But I am working Heros tomorrow, so hopefully that will be fun, and I won't have to pay $30 for someone else's screw up.

Friday, July 11, 2008

House and Monk


Worked this on wed.

This was an.... interesting day. 

I was originally booked as a receptionist and suppose to come to set at 5:30pm. At 10:50 am I get a call saying that my category was changed to "hospital visitor" and that I was now to come in at noon. 

I was in bed when I got this call. It usually takes me a good hour to get ready and then I like to give myself another hour to drive wherever it is that I am going (traffic is a bitch). So this late of notice= not cool.

I found out later that the production was running behind that day and they moved the scene which I was booked on to another day (which I was not called back for... the production only likes to call SAG members back).

I got there... right at 12. Then wardrobe yelled at me for not having the correct cloths. The message I was given was "dress for fall" and when I got there she yelled at me for not dressing for "winter". So she game me the ugliest grey sweater known to man. 

Oh well. It happens.

A little after that I was put on set to work. I saw Hugh Laurie which made me super happy, and then I also saw Kal Penn (Kumar from Harold and Kumar) so that was pretty cool. So I worked for about half an hour, then was told to go back to holding (which was part of the set... so that was actually pretty cool, hanging out in the House hospital :) ). Then I did nothing the rest of the day (which was about 6 hours). 

I was also an incredibly stupid because I had forgot my book in my car. So I was stuck reading a Cosmo magazine for 6 hours. And let me tell you... a Cosmo may be fun for an hour to glance through... but reading it cover to cover? Not so much.

At lunch though I did get to walk around Fox Studio lot, and I found the lot store where I bought "The Seven Year Itch" for $7 (Employee price bitches!).

It wasn't the best set I have worked on, the production team seemed super serious, but it was fine. I would work it again if given the chance... however I would just remember to bring a book!


Worked this yesterday at Paramount Studios.

This was suppose to take place in some little russian part of San Francisco, so wardrobe dressed me in this CRAZY european ugly outfit. Kinda hysterical.

What was kinda fun about this shoot was that I will be seen on camera. Maybe not super clearly... but I will be seen. At one point I walk in front of the camera before the actors arrive at their positions and I was used in every angle of the shot. So that is kinda cool.

The AD kept telling me that I did a good job and whatnot cause he was using me ALL DAY and I had to keep running (in heels) to get back to my first position from where I ended up so he appreciated that. At the end of day he told me that if he had had any extra SAG vouchers I would have gotten one... but he didn't. That was kinda upsetting. I still haven't gotten any! I was really hoping that by the end of the summer I would have at least 1. But I only have 3 weeks left here, and I am not sure if it is going to happen.

One thing that sucks about working at Paramount is that they often make you do a "walk away lunch". Which means that kraft doesn't provide lunch for you, and you have to go to the cafeteria ad buy your own lunch. Only we got released for lunch around 4, and the cafeteria really didn't have much as far as food goes (I ended up eating a pre-made sandwich that wasn't so good).

Then me and a few other extras went to explore the lot a bit. We found the studio store and I almost got this Audrey Hepburn movie box set... but the cashier wouldn't give me the employee discount and I didn't feel like spending the entire $50 bucks on it. 

Couldn't book work for myself today, but Monday I a working on something called "Damn Love".

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Worked Dexter today in Long Beach.

I had a hell of a time finding where the set was. The address that was given to us was 300 Ocean Ave in Long Beach... but the thing is the entire convention area is 300 Ocean Ave so I was driving around this big area for a while before I found set.

Actually I found it at one point, but I was on the other side of the lot and asked this one guy if it was the Dexter lot, and he said no so I drove away.

I found it though, and I wasn't too late.

Other then that it was a pretty good day... long, but still good.

The first part of the day (which was most of the day) I was a person at some Cuban festival. This consisted of me walking around and watching this one guy do magic tricks. Doing this scene lasted pretty much the entire day.

The second part of the day (which only took about an hour and a half to film) was at some outside bistro on a pier. I was a waitress. 

They had me go through hair and make-up which was kinda fun (they didn't really do anything, just touch up my cover up and put my hair in a pony tail... but whatever). ALSO while I was getting this done I was in the trailer with Michael C. Hall which I thought was pretty cool. He was one chair over from me, but he seemed all super serious and not wanting to talk so I didn't really get to meet him.

It was a pretty good day, I was in the sun a lot which is draining and Long Beach is far but I got lots of over time and pay bumps for the day so I can't complain.

Tomorrow night I am working on House. 

I am way excited. 

Monday, July 7, 2008


Worked on Life today, which shot in Long Beach.

It was a super easy day. It was a re-shoot of a scene they had done before. The actors for the show weren't there, they just needed their stand ins.

I sat in my car all day and read. So it was super super easy. 

umm... nothing really exciting happened. Except that this weird guy who I don't remember some how knew my name. Which is weird. 

Maybe we met on a set before, but still it's weird when someone who you don't remember knows your name.

Also he was kind of a strange guy.

Which doubled the creepy.

Tomorrow I have to drive back to long beach to work Dexter. 

Which means I need to go put more gas in the car. Gas average here right now is about $4.67.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The 4th

I tagged along with Alfie for the 4th. I would have rather made my own plans and whatnot... but shit happens.

We went to this AMAZING house in Pasadena. Seriously, this place was incredible. It was on this hill overlooking... I don't even know... the valley maybe? Anyhoo.... You could see for miles and miles and it was incredible. 

We hung out in the pool most of the day, then we all played Taboo. Which I failed at. Just fail. I don't want to talk about it.

Then we moved on to catch phrase... which was did slightly better at.

Afterwards we all ate, then went to the roof to watch fireworks.

Again. Amazing. 

We could see at the very least 20 different fire work shows going on all around us. There was also one that was really close to us too, which was great. 

One day I am going to have my own mansion in Pasadena... or I will just live in a shitty box the rest of my life. 

Either works.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I was a paid audience member for The Bachelorette today. 


Seriously AWFUL. 

They told us our call time was 2:30, so I got there at about 2:15 (we are suppose to report to set about 10 minutes early as just kinda a rule).

They put us all in a line outside of the studio to wait to go in. We stood in line in over 100 degree weather with NO shade and NO place to sit for 2 and a half hour before they finally let us into the studio.

They also took our cell phones away form us right when we got there GUARANTEEING that I would not be able tog et work for tomorrow (Central posts most of it's stuff at 2:30).

Then when we went in and they sat me in  the back row in the corner (the worst seats even though I was one of the first 20 people in line). So I probably won't even be seen on camera at ANY point.

Also they had a "wait list" for the bathroom so I wasn't able to go for over 4 hours. 


I am INCREDIBLY sunburnt.
And I almost threw up and passed out from the heat.

As a result of today I am going to boycott The Bachelor. 

I'm sorry... you can't just treat people like that. We may be part of the "scenery" for the show... but we are still living breathing human beings and The Bachelor completely ignored that.

I'm going to write NBC or whatever company owns that show... and I am NEVER going to watch it again and encourage others not to.

FUCK the bachelorette. 

By far THE WORST day here so far.