I worked Greek Monday and Tuesday as an engineering student at a KT party. I had to wear this HORRIBLE pink sweater cause we were all suppose to be nerds... it was terrible, but I dealt with it.
I had an amazing time. The crew was really really nice. Also I made friends with this one extra who was also friends with Aaron Hill (Beaver on the show) so I got to talk to Aaron for a while which was really cool. He is such a sweet guy.
The first day I also kinda met Scott Michael Foster (Cappie). He turned to me and asked me something about who knocked some lights down and I said "that guy". That's right. I am SO cool.
Also at one point they thought he smiled at me... and I geeked out. (I have a huge crush on Cappie.... could ya tell? He is SO cute i person... I can't help being a little fan girl.)
I also kinda sorta met Clark, who plays Dale and Jacob (Rusty). Clark asked me if I had a cigarette... and I said no, no I didn't. And I as I was walking by Jacob and I smiled at eachother... good times.
The guy who plays Ben Benette was also there and it took everything in my power not to say "Ben Benette" in a disapproving manner (Meggie and I do this all the time cause Ben Benette thinks he is all cool, but he is not. I mean I'm sure the actor is... but the character? Nope.)
The first day The Plain White T's were there performing on the show. They played "She's a natural disaster" and part of "It's our time now".
...for parts of each song I was placed as front row center. The band was less then one foot in front of me. Kinda amazing.
Also I was selected to be a "kissing couple" for day 2 (which meant that I got a $25 pay bump). I had to kiss this guy super awkwardly. We were told that since we were nerds that we didn't know how to kiss so we just pecked a few times. I was also told to keep my arms and legs super straight and kind of spazz as we kissed.... so I did spazz. Hurray for looking like a geek on national TV! (the kissing scene actually took place on day 2).
Day 2 was more partying i the KT house. I was also selected to be one of 5 people that comes back the day after the party takes place to help clean up. I was the only girl and was placed in front for this scene, so I will fo shizzle be seen clearly on camera. Also since this was suppose to be a different day I was NOT in the ugly ugly pin sweater. I was in a normal pink shirt... so I was happy.
Talked a little more to Aaron the second day and he kinda showed me a few secret things on set. He was showing me what was in the closet of the KT house... like random props and pool balls (I was seriously considering stealing one... but couldn't think of a way to take it without anyone noticing). Also the KT yard is COVERED in lawn gnomes, and that made me really really really happy.
I also talked a little more with Scott on day 2. One of the lines when we return to the house and are trying to get the KT's to forgive us is that we made them a DVR that records porn. During rehearsal for the scene Scott added in the line "Even her?" pointing at me. Then told me later when they were doing the turn around of the scene that he was going to add that in there. It made me very happy :)
Also when leaving set for the day I passed him and we said good night to each other. Again... I was happy.
I was suppose to be recalled on the show for Thursday, but the casting director said that since the scene they were shooting took place in another place in the same episode, that they couldn't use me. But I a now "on her list" of people to call for the show. (Great... now that I only have 1 week left here).
Just want to note. I fully realize that this part of the entry I am being a total nerd and geek and fan girl, but Greek is my favorite show and it was my goal for the summer to get on it. So I am allowed to be as geeky and I want.
Hannah Montana:
Worked this on Wed.
It was a 1000 person call.
No. Seriously.
I asked one of the AD's how many people where there and he said over 1000.
I was part of the crowed for a Hannah Montana concert. Which was a SUPER easy day. I sat in a chair all day and watched Miley sing "best of both worlds".
Actually it was really cute. There were a BUNCH of kids there and they pulled most of them to go up front and watch. In between shots instead of going and sitting with the crew she was talking to as many fans as she could. She also was teaching them a dance.
That was really nice to see and made me respect her a little more.
Terminator: Sara Conner Chronicles:
This was Thursday working at Warner Brothers Studios.
At first I was a nurse in a hospital scene and then I was parking lot atmosphere. They used my car for the shoot.
Really not much to say about it.
However last night Al tells me that there is a big scratch on the car... which wasn't there before. I don't know what happened. I don't know if someone hit it, or if the AD did something to it.... anyway I am out over $400 because of this scratch.
...fucking sucks.
Tonight I work 90210.
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