Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beatles Rockband!!!

Rockband is apart on MTVN (in fact they are actually on our same floor) and today they had a special party promo thing for the Beatles Rockband game. So what it was was 3 rockband stations, 2 with the game that is out now and 1 that was on a main stage thing with Beatles. They only had about 10 Beatles songs to choose from at the thing (It's still being developed). But it was still really REALLY badass. There is 3 part Harmony yo!!!

So I did "Call Me" on the regular rockband and sounded like shit (turns out I actually only know the chorus of that song. I'm gonna work on fixing that). Then I did "I Wanna Hold You Hand" on the Beatles one and I rock the fuck out of that shit. No. Seriously. I got 100%. AND did some of the harmonies (the harmonies are optional/ extra points).

It was SO badass... when that comes out in September I strongly STRONGLY recommend getting it... so that I can come over and play it.

Other then that I just put headshot into alphabetical order and then filed them all day. I am maybe half way through it. It sucks.

Going out tonight.
Good times.

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