Friday, June 13, 2008

The Starter Wife and Californication

Starter Wife:

So I thought this was going to be a pretty cool shoot. Starter Wife is Debra Messing's new show and I think she's pretty funny. Also it was a later call (1:00pm) and the rumor was that we were going to be done by midnight.

Yeah... that was a lie.

It started out fine. We did a scene where we were watching a bad movie, and we moved through that pretty fast. Then there was an airport scene. I was a flight attendant. The costume was super cute. Very hot, with INCREDIBLY uncomfortable black pumps, but still cute.  I have no camera, so I have no pictures of it. Although I do walk right in front of the camera so I might be seen on the show.

They moved pretty fast though those scenes. Then we got ready for an "upscale shoe store" scene. We were suppose to be shoppers in the store while Debra Messing was trying on shoes or something like that. 

Anyhoo, they called in about 25 people to  be apart of this scene. We spent forever getting ready for it. There were a few girls who went through hair and make-up for it. I didn't have to, but wardrobe did make me wear 4 inch heals that were half a size too big on me and cut into my foot. Well after we all spend about an hour getting ready for this thing and get to set, they decide to only use 5 people. I did get to be one of the 5... but still. I felt bad for the other girls that they made wait around and whatnot.

Also once they started filming they couldn't decide what they wanted us to do. At one point they told us to be talking and picking up all these different shoes, then we weren't suppose to touch the shoes, then we weren't in the shot, then we got put back in the shot and had to play with the shoes again. It was just very unorganized, we did about a million takes of it (keep in mind again I am wearing the world most uncomfortable pair of shoes... and that my feet were already throbbing for the ones they made me wear in the airport scene). Also it got crazy hot in the set... and they wouldn't give us a break to go grab water. So half the time I felt like I was going to pass out.

Then we moved to an outdoor mall scene (I got to wear flats... thank God). It took them forever to film the scene... which just consisted of Debra and her 2 friends walking in a straight line in the mall. They must of spent 2 hours on it. And again they didn't know what to do with the extras. First they wanted us all walking, then no one could walk and we stood, then there were way too many people so they took some out, then they wanted to try it with all the people back in... it was just very frustrating. 

After that there was another scene they shot outdoors. At this point it was 1:00am... and freezing. They spent 2 hours shooting that one as well. Also, again, they had no idea what they wanted to do with the extras. 

It was just super frustrating. I didn't get home until 3:00am... and I had a 9:30am call time for the next day.


Was a Catholic school girl again, and there were a lot of the same people who had been there the time before, which was nice. This, however, was a much smaller call. Also the day was much shorter, from 9:30am- 2:30ish. This was amazing cause currently I am running on about 4 hours of sleep.

I really like working this show. The crew is super friendly, and they know what they are doing/ what they want. I am thinking that they are just going to call back the same people to shoot all the school scenes for this show (cause they already have our sizes and also it's always the same school... so the same people are going to be there). So I am hoping to work this a few more times this summer.

That's about all I got.

I need a nap.

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